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Input Display ("Dimp") Commands and Examples

Dimps are the internal name for the display of active keypresses



Set int to change the dimp style.

For now, using a number with an undefined crosshair will just vanish it until a new one is set.

Value Description
0 Nothing
1 Small arrows and single letters around crosshair
2 Pixel arrows and graphics at bottom of screen
3 Legacy Elim dimp with a touchup


Sets color of dimp icons when associated key is being pressed.

Set 4 ints to change color and transparency.

ui_dimp_color_pressed [R] [G] [B] [A]

R = Red component (0 to 255)
G = Green component (0 to 255)
B = Blue component (0 to 255)
A = Alpha transparency 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque)


Sets color of dimp icons when associated key is NOT being pressed.

Set 4 ints to change color and transparency.

ui_dimp_color_unpressed [R] [G] [B] [A]

R = Red component (0 to 255)
G = Green component (0 to 255)
B = Blue component (0 to 255)
A = Alpha transparency 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque)


ui_dimp_style 1
ui_dimp_color_pressed 255 255 255 255
ui_dimp_color_unpressed 255 255 255 128
Red pixel arrows that vanish unless pressed
ui_dimp_style 2
ui_dimp_color_pressed 255 0 0 255
ui_dimp_color_unpressed 0 0 0 0